5.3.17 | Cap Times | Erik Lorenzsonn | Original Publication For most media archivists, preservation usually means handling tattered tomes and half-disintegrating film reels. For a team of media scholars and librarians at…
Cancer drug being repurposed to treat Fragile X Syndrome
5.3.17 | WisBusiness.com | Alex Moe | Original Publication Researchers at UW-Madison are trying to repurpose an antitumor drug to treat a common intellectual disability known as Fragile X Syndrome. And Professor Xinyu…
Faculty lead, collaborate on numerous UW2020: WARF Discovery Initiative biochemistry projects
4.27.17 | Biochemistry News | Original Publication Faculty from the Department of Biochemistry are leading two projects that recently earned UW2020: WARF Discovery Initiative awards, in addition to numerous other department faculty being…
Cellular Logistics pursuing commercialization, top spot in Governor’s Business Plan Contest
4.24.17 | WisBusiness.com | Alex Moe | Original Publication One of the finalists in the Governor’s Business Plan Contest, Cellular Logistics, is making another run at the top prize as it pursues commercialization…
Advances breathe new life into Madison infection-detection company
4.24.17 | UW–Madison News | David Tenenbaum | Original Publication In the face of growing crises related to antibiotic resistance and hospital-acquired infections, a UW–Madison spinoff called Isomark is working to introduce a…
Speakers are needed to connect with Wisconsinites at science festival
4.20.17 | UW–Madison News | Original Publication The Wisconsin Science Festival and UW–Madison Speakers Bureau are looking for passionate, creative UW–Madison faculty and staff and graduate student speakers to connect with communities throughout Wisconsin during the Wisconsin…
UW2020: WARF Discovery Initiative awards announced
4.18.17 | UW–Madison News | Natasha Kassulke | Original Publication Funding for research projects that range from advancing wireless communications to developing a virtual dairy farm brain that will simulate actual farm management,…
Study finds amoeba “grazing,” killing bacteria usually protected by film
4.17.17 | UW–Madison News | David Tenenbaum | Original Publication Bacteria have developed an uncountable number of chemistries, lifestyles, attacks and defenses through 2.5 billion years of evolution. One of the most impressive…