Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Warf News & Media

Faculty receive 2024-25 WARF Named Professorships, Kellett Fellowships, and Romnes Awards

Thirty-two University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty have been awarded fellowships from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research for 2024-25. The awardees span the four research divisions on campus: arts and humanities, physical sciences, social sciences and biological sciences.

“These awards recognize excellence in faculty research, academics, and outreach at various stages of their scholarly careers and provide an opportunity for continued development of their research programs,” says Cynthia Czajkowski, interim vice chancellor for research. “I look forward to seeing the results of their imaginative use of these funds.”

The awards are possible due to the research efforts of UW–Madison faculty and staff. Technology that arises from these efforts is licensed by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and the income from successful licenses is returned to the OVCR, where it’s used to fund research activities and awards throughout the divisions on campus.

Read more at research.wisc.edu.