Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Animals, Agriculture & Food
Animals Agriculture Food
Cranberry Variety Named “Ruby Star” with Consistent High Yield
WARF: P120284US01

Inventors: Eric Zeldin

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) is seeking commercial partners interested in a new cranberry variety with very strong yearly growth, strong bud sets and consistently high fruit yields.
Cranberries are Wisconsin’s number one fruit crop, grown on 21,000 acres across 20 counties. Wisconsin provides nearly 60 percent of the U.S. supply, and significant growth in demand is expected to continue.
The Invention
A UW–Madison researcher has developed a new variety of cranberry known as “Ruby Star.” Ruby Star resulted from a cross between the “HyRed” cranberry (“Stevens” x “Ben Lear #8”) and the “Bergman” cranberry (“Early Black” x “Searles”).

Growers interested in this cranberry variety should license the variety from WARF and obtain vines from one of the approved propagators listed below. The license between WARF and the grower must be in place before vines can be obtained.
  • Cranberry Creek Cranberries Inc.
  • Dempze Cranberry Co.
    • Cranberry production
      Key Benefits
      • Very strong yearly growth
      • Strong bud sets
      • Consistently high fruit yields
        Additional Information
        For current licensing status, please contact Emily Bauer at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9842
