Medical Devices

Ergonomically Configrued Muscle Release Office Chair
WARF: P170299US02
Inventors: Shwetha Simhan, Manasi passi-Simhan
The Invention
An office chair that is ergonomically configured to allow for the coordination of stretches to the pectoralis minor muscle, trapezius muscle, and scalene muscles to open up the thoracic outlet, release muscle tension, and reinforce proper structure is provided. The stretches may be performed by an average human user while sitting in the office chair throughout the workday. The ergonomically configured chair assembly may have a brace supported by the seatback and extending downwardly therefrom over a left and right shoulder of the seated average human in a cantilevered fashion and an arm restraining device positioned rearward with respect to the rear face of the upstanding seat back.
For current licensing status, please contact Jeanine Burmania at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9846