Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Research Tools
Research Tools
Human Cell Line Natively Expressing A HaloTag Fusion To IST1, A Protein Involved In Membrane Trafficking And Endosomal Protein Sorting
WARF: P240165US01

Inventors: Anjon Audhya, Kevin Swift

The Invention

A UW-Madison researcher has developed a novel cell line for studying the dynamics of the protein Ist1. They added a HaloTag onto the 3’ end of IST1 in a human RPE1 cell line. This cell lines provides a tool to study the dynamics of Ist1 at endogenous levels. The cell line enables localization of Ist1 binding proteins, including the ESCRT-III machinery, which has never been structurally examined in cells.

Additional Information
For More Information About the Inventors
For current licensing status, please contact Jennifer Gottwald at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9854