Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Analytical Instrumentation, Methods & Materials
Analytical Instrumentation Methods Materials
WARF: P240389US01

Inventors: Dan Botez, Luke Mawst, Suraj Suri

The Invention

UW Madison researchers have designed Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) configured to achieve interstage carrier injection and lasing, without carrier leakage. This includes QCLs that also exhibit photon-induced carrier transport (PICT). The design enables QCLs that achieve wall-plug efficiencies (WPEs) close to the fundamental limit for their lasing wavelengths, e.g., about 40% for mid-wavelength IR and about 25% for long- wavelength IR. Taking a mid-wavelength IR QCL as an example, this means that in order to generate 1 Watt of mid-wavelength IR light, only 1.5 Watts of heat needs to be removed. This is almost of factor of 4 lower than existing mid-wavelength IR QCL devices, a critical improvement for commercial applications of the devices. 


This innovation enables practical use of mid-IR QCL devices for a wide range of civilian and defense applications: e.g., missile avoidance systems, long-distance communications between low-Earth-orbit satellites and Earth; and long-distance free-space communications under adverse weather conditions.

Additional Information
For More Information About the Inventors
For current licensing status, please contact Michael Carey at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9867