Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Animals, Agriculture & Food
Animals Agriculture Food
Maize Non-Stiff Stalk Inbreds W2007, W2008, and W20011
WARF: P250025US01

Inventors: Shawn Kaeppler, Natalia de Leon Gatti

The Invention

UW-Madison have developed three new corn varieties that display superior yield and grain moisture at harvest.


W2007 is categorized as an Iodent/Oh43/exotic inbred including a parent developed out of Germplasm Enhancement of Maize material. It has produced competitive grain yield and yield/moisture values when combined with B14/B37 and B73 type Stiff Stalk testers.


W2008 is categorized as a mixed non-Stiff Stalk type inbred. It has produced competitive grain yield and yield/moisture values when combined with B14, B73 and mixed type Stiff Stalk testers.


W2011 is categorized as an Iodent inbred. It has produced competitive grain yield and yield/moisture values when combined with B14 and B73 type Stiff Stalk testers.


Lines were selected based on hybrid grain yield, moisture, test weight, and yield/moisture selection index.       

Additional Information
For More Information About the Inventors
For current licensing status, please contact Emily Bauer at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9842