Analytical Instrumentation, Methods & Materials

WARF: P250060US01
Inventors: Aussie Suzuki
The Invention
A UW-Madison researcher has identified a novel crosslinker for expansion microscopy research, glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) dissolved in sodium bicarbonate, that is able to support the expansion of mouse embryos and other tissue types. It supported both 4x and 12x expansion (and potentially even greater magnifications). Moreover, GMA is also able to crosslink single-stranded DNA and RNA, which is not achievable with existing crosslinkers used in expansion microscopy that only bind and crosslink proteins (and dsDNA bound to those proteins). Therefore, this crosslinker may have advantages for many different cell/tissue types.
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For current licensing status, please contact Jennifer Gottwald at [javascript protected email address] or 608-960-9854