Welcome to the inaugural WARF Innovation Day! Confronting the greatest challenges of our time calls for partnership. When brilliant students and talented faculty join forces with industry and investors, progress can be remarkable. Today’s event will showcase powerful research that we hope will spark such collaborations. From the blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin) to pioneering stem cell science, campus innovations have touched the lives of millions. To keep this legacy thriving, the WARF Accelerator Program has supported more than 100 projects that cut across disciplines and push the state of the art. From advanced computing to smarter farms and a greener world, these projects have one feature in common: strong commercial promise. The technologies you will hear about are truly standouts with the potential to disrupt markets and improve lives. The Accelerator Program quick pitches will highlight some of UW–Madison’s most commercially promising technologies while the WARF Innovation Award finalists will talk about their early-stage technologies that have the potential for huge impact. Our keynote speaker will share an optimistic perspective on why technological advances are good for Wisconsin and humankind. We hope you are able to connect with your fellow attendees, including entrepreneurs, investors, industry partners, faculty, students, staff and the community. Enjoy the day, make connections and celebrate big ideas!