Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation


Methods of Gene Editing and Transforming Cannabis

Hemp, one of the earliest plants to be spun into fiber thousands of years ago, now commands a $6 billion global market that includes high-profile products like CBD and other cannabinoid oils. However,...
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Michael Petersen, Edward Williams, Robert Harnish, Heidi Kaeppler, Brian Martinell, Ray Collier, Frank McFarland, Shawn Kaeppler | P190291US04


Improved Extraction and Preservation of Pathogen-Free Maize Germplasm

Genetic transformation of maize and other crops is critically important to agronomy research as well as advancing desirable traits such as improved yield, disease resistance and drought tolerance. Mo...
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Michael Petersen, Brian Martinell, Edward Williams, Frank McFarland, Nathaniel Schleif, Shawn Kaeppler, Heidi Kaeppler | P190212US02



A UW-Madison researcher has developed a new carrot population, called WISYNTH, that was made by bringing together several carrot inbred lines, intermating them, and selecting for processing carrot typ...
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Irwin Goldman | P220232US01


System For Detection Of Disease In Plants

These inventors have recognized that various diseases in plants, such as Phytophthora infestans (late blight) and Alternaria solani (early blight), and/or various stages of such diseases in plants, ca...
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Amanda Gevens, Kaitlin Gold, Philip Townsend | P180062US02


Teosinte/W22 Crossed Lines

A former UW-Madison genetics researcher, Jerry Kermicle, previously developed a corn line that contained a teosinte crossing barrier (TCB) which prevents the line from successfully crossing with any o...
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Jerry Kermicle | P180371US01


UW Tomato Rootstocks for Grafting

UW-Madison researchers have developed new tomato rootstock crosses based on cultivators and germplasm accessories obtained from USDA germplasm bank to identify rootstock populations. This new tomato r...
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James Nienhuis | P190352US01


Incubator for Perch Larvae

Over-fishing and environmental degradation have severely curtailed the production and consumption of yellow perch meat, yet this fish remains highly regarded and sought after by consumers. Our invento...
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Kenneth Webb | T190047US02


2018 Sweet Corn Inbreds

UW-Madison researchers have developed a new set of inbred corn lines with desirable traits such as high sugar content, creamy texture, tenderness and excellent flavor. Some lines also have attractive ...
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William Tracy | P190060US01


Improved Sweet Corn Inbreds 2021

The UW-Madison researcher generated a set of sweet corn inbred lines for sweet corn hybrid production. These new lines offer sweet, visually appealing corn desired by consumers as well as the high yie...
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William Tracy | P210358US01