Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation


Radio Frequency (RF) Coil for an Improved MRI System

MRI systems have played a major part in safely imaging and diagnosing various bodily ailments.  When human tissue is subjected to a uniform magnetic field from a large magnet, it will vibrate at what...
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Matthew Erickson, Sean Fain, Krishna Kurpad, James Holmes, Thomas Grist | P06256US


X-Ray System for Use in Image-Guided Procedures

Although stroke afflicts more than 700,000 people in the United States annually, the only FDA-approved clinical treatment is intravenous administration of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) within thr...
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Charles Mistretta, Howard Rowley, Michael Van Lysel, Guang-Hong Chen | P03183US


Elastographic Imaging of the Cervix and Uterine Wall

Elastography is a new ultrasound imaging technique that detects and images the local stiffness properties of tissues under compression. Elastrography promises to improve the diagnosis of several uteri...
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Tomy Varghese, Mark Kliewer, James Zagzebski | P03009US


Automated Evaluation of Ultrasonic Elasticity Images

Ultrasound-based elasticity imaging uses signals from conventional diagnostic ultrasound systems to show the mechanical properties of tissue (e.g., stiffness or Poisson’s ratio). In quasi-static ela...
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Jingfeng Jiang, Timothy Hall, Amy Ettling | P04300US


MRI Method for Assessing Myocardial Viability

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of heart tissue viability and function typically includes a step in which the inversion time (TI) is set so that the signal from normal heart tissue is suppressed in t...
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Thomas Grist, Orhan Unal | P04057US